Sunday 17 April 2016


Everything has already begun before,
The first line
of the first page
of every novel or story or poem

No matter what,
refers to something,
that has already happened

out side of the scripted pages...

Well, many readers may find it confusing
or rather disagree to the statement that I made above.

It's good.

Everyone should have their opinion.

But if you take a closer look at my lines,
you will find something

which is more than meets the eye.

But what is that thing?

Ever wondered???

Well, you will get to know
while you go through my today's post.

My friends know I am a very good story teller.
So rather than thinking my writings
as a guideline
consider these to be a story.

It will be more fun that way.

Before we start 
let me ask you a question...

Are you happy with your life as the way it is?


The probable answers are

Some will say yes.

Some will say no.


Now another question to yes and no persons both,

Have you ever thought of making your life better?

well in this case 100% of you people
will say 

Who does not want a better life?

No matter if he is happy with his or her life,
We all want a better life.

All we want is a better life.
Isn't it?

Well hell yeah!!!

So now,

Have you taken steps to make your life better?


You people must be thinking YES WE HAVE.

Because people go to schools, colleges, offices etc etc
just with that one expectation of making their lives better.

You have taken steps right!!!


The most important question is,

Have you tried,
as hard as you can?

Have you gave,
your 100% all the time?

Just behind that ultimate goal of yours,
a better life!!!


Now that is a difficult question to answer.

most of the people,

don't want to say NO

as they don't want to accept it
that they do have put
all of their efforts into it.

they cant even say yes,

Because they know

If they say YES,

They will be lying to themselves.

Agree or not
this is the truth.

Don't worry my friend.


I appreciate every amount of effort
you put to make your live better than today.

If you still do not have taken any initiative
to make your life better

It's not to late.

There is actually nothing called
too early
too late
When it is concerned to improving your tomorrow
than today.

There is still a ray of hope for you.

You just have to follow the path
towards that light.

Not every successful person was born rich.
They had to struggle.

We all have that one particular lifestyle
which one is living already.

If you take a closer look at their lives,
You will find lots of struggles and hard ships.

The moment they realized they have given
their 100% to the life they wanted,

They were already living it.

Because until you reach your goal

You should never stop putting your effort
as much as you can.

So when you will finally have that life
about what you have been always dreaming about,

You will find that you already knew
That you were surely going to live that life
what you expected to have,

Because you have given your 100% into it
being honest to yourself
being honest to your ultimate goal.

Then you will realize,
The ultimate goal of your life

which sounded like a story to others,
was already known to known you.

Because while other people were busy
laughing at your story

You were busy
turning your story into reality.

You were busy
following the path of success
Which led you towards your goal.

And when you will finally reach your goal,
People who used to laugh at you
and your goals

will be busy 
taking pride on saying other people
about the story

how they know you...

This is what I actually meant
what I stated
at the beginning. 

This is why
I claimed,
The lines I wrote
is much more than meets the eye.

If any of my writings
even one of you
turning you into a successful person in future.

My friend,

You are the one
who saved 
my writings
my time
and all my efforts

from going in vain and from becoming futile.


Keep following and share if you like that it could help somebody I will appreciate that very much.

I'm here to help you.
It is your choice to follow my blog and use it as a guideline.
I will try my best not to disappoint you guys.

For any personal queries regarding any kind

 of problem concerning any kind of life 

problems and money 


Feel free to mail me at my email id:

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