Friday, 25 November 2016


"I take it that it is best for all 

to leave each man free 
to acquire wealth as fast as he can.
Some will get really Wealthy.
I don't believe in a law 
to prevent a man from getting rich.
It would do more harm than Good."
- Abraham Lincoln

It is your right to be wealthy. You are here to lead the abundant life, to be happy, radiant and free. You should , therefore, have all the riches you need to lead a full, happy , prosperous and an opulent life.

There is absolutely no virtue in poverty; the latter is a mental disease. It should be abolished from the face of the Earth. 

You are here to grow, expand, connect and unfold - spiritually, mentally and materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines.

You must surround yourself with beauty and luxury.

Money is a symbol of God's opulence, beauty, refinement and abundance. It should be used wisely, judiciously and constructively to bless humanity in countless ways. it is  merely a symbol of the economic health of the nation.

When your blood is circulating freely, you are healthy. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy and financially free.
But when people begin to hoard money, to put it away in tin boxes or become charged with fear, there is economic illness.

Why be satisfied with just enough to go around! When you can enjoy the riches to the infinite?

Your  desire to become wealthy is actually a desire for a fuller, happier, more wonderful life. It is a cosmic urge, and it is good, in-fact very good.

Begin to see money in its true significance; as a symbol of exchange. It means to you freedom from want;
it means beauty, luxury, abundance as also refinement.

One of the reasons most of the people do not have more money is that they are silently or openly condemning it.
They refer money as 'filthy lucre', or they believe that
'love of money is the root of all evil' etc.

Another reason they do not prosper is that they have a sneaky, subconscious feeling there is some virtue in poverty;
this subconscious pattern maybe due to early child training, superstition or could be based on a false interpretation of the religious scriptures.

There is no virtue in poverty and living poor being a miser. It is a mental disease like any other disease.

If you were physically ill, you would think there is something wrong with you; you would seek help, or do something about the condition at once.
Likewise, if you do not have money constantly circulating and flowing in your life, there is something radically wrong with you.

Money is only a symbol; it has taken many forms as a medium of exchange down through the centuries, such as salt, beads or various trinkets.
In early times, man's wealth was determined by the number of sheep he had. 
Well, it is much more convenient to write a check or swipe a card than to carry some sheep around with you to pay your bills and expenses.
*standing in the que for hours in-front of the bank is a different issue now a days for Indians. we all have faced that ;) but at-least better than carrying a heard of sheep*

God does not want you to live in a hovel or to go hungry.
God wants you to be happy, prosperous and successfull.
God is always successful in all his undertakings, weather he makes a star or a cosmos.

You may wish to take a trip around the world, buy Mansions, Yachts, iPhones, Rolexes, Armani Suits, Louboutins, Louis Vuittons, Rolls Royces, Lamborghinis, Ducatis and my personal favorite list goes on,
or study art in foreign countries, go to international colleges and universities or send your children to superior schools of the world.
You certainly wish to bring up yourself or your children in lovely surroundings, so that you or your children learn
to appreciate success, beauty, order, symmetry and proportion

You were born to succeed, to win to conquer all difficulties, and to have all your proficiencies, fully developed. If there is a financially lack in your life, do something about it.
And do it now.

"the best time to commence doing something
is between yesterday and tomorrow"

And the most important thing,
Get away immediately from all superstitious belies about money.

If you do, you cause it to take wings to fly away from your pocket and from your bank account or tin box or whatever you store your money.

Remember that
you lose, what you condemn.


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 I will appreciate that very much.

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